Crafting an Excellent (PhD) Research Poster

“A research poster is a well-structured, attractive, self-explanatory and concise piece of information representing your PhD or research work.”  A PhD student should have to do a lot of stuff during the entire tenure of their PhD. Their work includes searching the literature, writing thesis & research articles, doing lab work & fieldwork and conducting […]

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Image shows the importance of table of contents

Importance of Table of Contents for Dissertation

The Table of Content for Dissertation has a list of all the major topics, chapters and subtopics along with page number that helps to navigate a reader.  A dissertation, PhD thesis or research paper consists of well-written and structured matter. Every detail has a separate part or section in the thesis. As we are discussing

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How to use Mendeley?

How to use Mendeley MS Word, Web Importer, Citation and Referencing in 2021?

Mendeley is a citation and reference management tool available for desktop, MS word, Mac, Linux and other platforms.  Research or academic writing is a bit different than other types, needs more precision, specialized structure and scientific angel. We have to cite every bit of information in order to validate it.  Two important elements, research writing

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7 Must-Have Thesis Writing Tools in 2021

Writing tools like Grammarly, Mendeley online, Thesaurus, BibMe, Evernote, Plagiarism checker, Hemingway Editor, Stay Focused and Dissertation authors have significant importance in thesis writing.   Traditionally, writing a thesis for either PhD or dissertation was a tougher task, needing huge manual writing, Proofreading, correction, re-writing, and editing things manually.  So, it was tedious, time-consuming and depressive

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Image represent the article on how to write a bibliography

2021’s Complete Guide on How to Write a Bibliography?

A bibliography is a well-structured list of all the resources used in the article, thesis, project or other literature.  In his PhD thesis, John has stated that “BRCA1 is a gene responsible for breast cancer” whereas Mcburthen has stated that the “BRCA gene is a candidate gene cause breast cancer as per WHO research.”  Which

2021’s Complete Guide on How to Write a Bibliography? Read More »