Dec 14, 2022
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Dr Tushar Chauhan
PhD needs tons of reading. One important skill you will learn from PhD is quality reading, meaning— you read to learn, understand and implement.
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PhDs are excellent listeners because they have to– every time listen to their guide without even replying. Good listeners get more information.
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PhD is full of uncertainty, chaos, tension, and sleepless nights which ultimately develops you as a calm and composed person.
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In addition to the previous point, the stressful nature of PhD leads you to become a positive person, over the period.
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One great soft skill you will learn here is communication. You become a better person hence you naturally develop a sense of communicating with people.
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PhDs gain a natural sense of stress management. The stressful trait of PhD taught you how to remain happy in all situations.
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During the tenure of PhD, you have to face various difficult situations which eventually helps you to be adaptive in all situations.
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Conflict is common in research. But the beauty is PhDs gain a unique sense of conflict management with their professor and fellow scientists.
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Another important soft skill PhD has is how to balance work and life. You will learn how to manage work, personal and social life.
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An important soft skill, unknowingly PhDs learn is where to end. You will learn if things will work or not and end it or not.
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