Jan 5, 2023
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Dr Tushar Chauhan
Scientific writing should be in a formal style with correct grammar, spelling and orthographic rules.
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Passive voice or more specifically— a third person is used for scientific writing, instead of ‘I’ or ‘we’.
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Use present tense throughout your writing even though you are referring to the previous research.
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Common short forms like e.g. are avoided, instead, the whole word is used.
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Give a prior list of abbreviations if you use any short forms in your writing.
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Expressions like doesn’t, can’t, don’t, and aren’t are also avoided during scientific writing, instead of that the full form is used.
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Instead of “I” always use “we” to demonstrate your study and study results. Use “I” only if you have your own opinion or interpretation you are mentioning.
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Use correct citations and references to avoid plagiarism, give credit to the original author and authenticate your writing.
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Image credit: Unsplash.
Image credit: Unsplash.